Life has a way of teaching that I'm not a big fan of. It seems to work well enough. I've been trying to learn quickly because if I don't the lessons get harsher. I see trends in conversations, lessons, words over heard, and sermons attended. These trends are typically slow to develop, but as I don't respond they pick up speed until I get the picture. Kind of a snowball type thing.
My current lesson: how to truly be a good steward. I have been blessed with more than I know what to do with and still I want more. Sometimes it's a small thing that grows. My alarm goes off and I hit snooze. I get up late because I wanted more sleep than I needed, and did not have time to make my lunch. I make it to that time of day and buy a sandwich I could have made with the food I already have. It may not be a fast car that I want, but maybe it's the value size fries. I might not be obsessed with the newest designer fashions, but I do want to hear the newest artist from the comfort of my office chair. I'm not sure that the fast car or the new song are bad, but I want to have things for me and often don't consider the cost of my consumption on a larger scale. It takes $1,500 to drill a well for a village who has no clean water. In one year, for a little less than $30 a week, I could change and entire town for a long time to come. I subscribe to Blockbuster online. That's $144 a year right there, and I haven't watched a movie in two or three weeks. Now I am buying a house. I know that it makes scene. The market is down, the neighborhood is coming up, it's well within our budget, we will put equity into a place instead of renting a roof, there are great things going on in the area, and still I look at the money with fear. I want it's security. I want to know if something happens it will be there to save my wife and me. My faith is intermittent and flimsy. I know God is not. I need to know that. Trust is my true challenge. Pray for this. I feel it is my responsibility to model this for my family, my friends, and my co-workers. Maybe it is my responsibility and maybe it's my blessing.
I'm Not Who I Was
9 years ago
This is a key inflection point in your faith walk...I'm excited to see what steps you take in this obedience and stewardship quest!
I would concur with Mike in the sense that as I read this I noticed that it's just as much - if not more - simply about obedience to God rather than a responsibility, though that responsibility is in place.
I know that I have already received dividends from the investment you have made in this portfolio of your life. I hope that over time I am able to supply you with grace, accountability, encouragement, and to keep you in the black for everyone's sake involved. :)
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